You can open thumbnails of available irises by clicking on different iris classes:
★ Tall bearded irises (TB)
★ Newest tall bearded irises (TB)
★ Border bearded irises (BB)
★ Intermediate bearded irises (IB)
★ Miniature tall bearded irises (MTB)
★ Standard dwarf bearded irises (SDB)
★ Miniature dwarf bearded irises (MDB)
★ Arilbreds (AB)
★ Species irises (SPEC)
★ Nameless irises (NOID)

Then if you click on thumbnail, you can open iris sheet, where you will find the following pieces of information:
★ Iris name
★ Hybridizer’s name
★ Year of registration
★ Iris class
★ Blooming season
★ Height in centimeters
★ Article number
★ Reblooming habits
Click on the picture to open the page of AIS Iris Encyclopedia dedicated to that variety.
In most cases you will find a gallery of pictures of the same variety, which were taken on my hill.
If you are interested in some available irises, refer to “Contacts” page, so we can agree exchange or sale details, or contact me by Messenger though my Facebook page “La Collina delle Iris”.
If an iris is no longer available, “Sold Out” will be written on the picture.
Few rhizomes per variety are available, so it is better to reserve them as soon as possible, then they will be shipped from mid-July to mid-October (end of September for northern countries). To reserve them it is necessary to give a WhatsApp phone number.
How to submit your irises for exchange
Irises can be swapped for registered varieties only. In order to submit your irises for exchange you have to send a picture (taken by you and not from Internet) and to specify iris name by one of the methods listed in the page “Contacts”.
The irises will be shipped in the period mentioned above and each sender will pay his/her own shipment expenses.
How to purchase the irises you like
Irises can be reserved at any time till the end of September (prices will be communicated by private message only). Then they will be shipped, when you prefer, from mid-July to mid-October (end of September for northern countries). Payment must be made in advance by bank transfer or Paypal (fees will be calculated based on purchased rhizomes).
Shipment expenses abroad depend upon quantity of purchased rhizomes and destination country, and will be estimated after rhizome reservation and communicated along with order confirmation. Precise shipping price will be communicated along with payment reminder, which will be sent you 14 days before shipment. Shipment is always traceable. If you prefer, you can organise the shipment on your own, and have the parcel collected at “La Collina delle Iris”.
Every 5 rhizomes you are entitled to receive 1 bonus rhizome (of same or equivalent class). You can choose the one(s) you like among the “Bonus irises”.
Further information
Best period for digging-out, dividing and replanting irises is August, but that can be done starting from mid-July to mid-October (end of September for northern countries).
Therefore rhizomes by “La Collina delle Iris” will be available till mid-October, then they will be replanted or otherwise used.