These are the reblooming irises, which are available for exchange or sale. You can reserve them till the end of September referring to the item “Contacts” of this site. They will be delivered from mid-July to mid-October depending upon agreed date that best fits you.
Reblooming irises behave very differently upon climate they are grown in. Some were registered as rebloomers, but they never bloomed in my garden twice, whereas other ones are excellent rebloomers. You can find data about their reblooming habits, further information about variety as well as further pictures taken on my hill, if any, by clicking on the thumbnail.
Don’t forget to choose your bonus among your favourite irises: Bonus irises
Key = BB: Border bearded iris / IB: Intermediate bearded iris / MDB: Miniature dwarf bearded iris / SDB: Standard dwarf bearded iris /TB: Tall bearded iris

IB Candy Rock

IB Cinnamon Flash

MDB Pokemon

SDB Autumn Embers

SDB Saldi d’Autunno

SDB Second Life

TB Autumn Encore

TB Bandwidth

TB Battle of the Bands

TB Bottle Rocket

TB English Cottage

di Settembre

TB Misty Twilight