In this gallery you will find some pictures taken on my hill, most of all during blooming season, but also during weeding works, after arrangement of felled tree steps, and much more …, as well as all irises I grow sorted by class (i.e. tall bearded irises, border bearded irises, intermediate bearded irises, a.s.o.) in alphabetical order, by hybridizer (in this case criterion for iris sorting will be their creator), and by year of registration (this type of sorting can be interesting in order to appreciate evolution of iris hybridizing over time).
Obviously, I could not take pictures of many irises of the gallery, as they will bloom next spring only. Most of lacking pictures have been taken from “Iris Encyclopedia“, and author’s name is written on the picture itself. If some of you should be opposed to the use of their own pictures, please let me know that by the “Contacts” shown in the dedicated page of this site, and related pictures shall be immediately removed.