Newest tall bearded irises

The­se are the newe­st tall bear­ded iri­ses, which are avai­la­ble for ex­chan­ge or sa­le. You can re­ser­ve them till the end of Sep­tem­ber re­fer­ring to the item “Con­tac­ts” of this si­te. They will be de­li­ve­red from mid-Ju­ly to mid-Oc­to­ber de­pen­ding upon agreed da­te that be­st fi­ts you.

Que­ste so­no le iris bar­ba­te al­te re­cen­ti di­spo­ni­bi­li per lo scam­bio o per la ven­di­ta. Po­tre­te pre­no­tar­le fi­no a fi­ne set­tem­bre fa­cen­do ri­fe­ri­men­to al­la se­zio­ne “Con­tat­ti” di que­sto si­to. Ver­ran­no poi con­se­gna­te da me­tà lu­glio a me­tà ot­to­bre in ba­se al­la da­ta con­cor­da­ta e a voi più con­so­na.

Tall bear­ded iri­ses ha­ve stalks with a height of 70 cm (27 1/2 in­ches) and abo­ve, with bran­ching and ma­ny buds. Each stalk, in itself, ma­kes a sta­te­ly ar­ran­ge­ment in the gar­den or in a va­se. In ad­di­tion to a wi­de va­rie­ty of co­lors and pat­terns, the tall bear­ded iri­ses di­splay other qua­li­ties (such as ruf­fling and la­cing) mo­re fre­quen­tly than the other clas­ses do.

Click on thumb­nails to open iris sheet, whe­re you can find fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about va­rie­ty as well as fur­ther pic­tu­res ta­ken on my hill, if any.

Do­n’t for­get to choo­se your bo­nus among your fa­vou­ri­te iri­ses: Bo­nus iri­ses