Bonus irises

Eve­ry 5 rhi­zo­mes you buy you are en­ti­tled to re­cei­ve 1 bo­nus rhi­zo­me (of sa­me or equi­va­lent class). You can choo­se your favourite(s) among tho­se sho­wn be­low.

Click on thumb­nails to open iris sheet, whe­re you can find fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about va­rie­ty as well as fur­ther pic­tu­res ta­ken on my hill, if any.

Key = BB: Bor­der bear­ded iris / IB: In­ter­me­dia­te bear­ded iris / MDB: Mi­nia­tu­re dwarf bear­ded iris / MTB: Mi­nia­tu­re tall bear­ded iris / SDB: Stan­dard dwarf bear­ded iris / SPEC: Spe­cies iris / TB: Tall bear­ded iris