Tall bearded irises (abbreviation: TB) have stalks with a height of 70 cm (27 1/2 inches) and above, with branching and many buds. Each stalk, in itself, makes a stately arrangement in the garden or in a vase. In addition to a wide variety of colors and patterns, the tall bearded irises display other qualities (such as ruffling and lacing) more frequently than the other classes do.
Here you will find all varieties grown on my hill, but not all are available for exchange and/or sale. To swap and/or buy your favourite varieties, see Available irises.
Click on thumbnails to open iris sheet, where you will find further information about selected variety.
AB☆C☆DEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWYZCabibiCafe d’AmourCantinaCantorCapricious CandlesCaravella PintaCaribbean DreamCarismaticoCarnevale di VeneziaCascata del ToceCatwalk QueenCelebration SongCenter LineCerte NottiChampagne EleganceChampagne WaltzChange of PaceChasing DestinyChasing RainbowsChâteau d’Auvers sur OiseChâteau de FourchaudCiel Gris sur PoillyCielo AltoCielo VelatoCinderella’s SecretCity LightsClarenceClassic LookCoffee TraderCoffee WhispersCold FusionColor CarnivalColor StrokesColor WheelColour DanceCome un UraganoComic OperaCon GraziaConfusioneConjurationCopatonicCoral PointCore ValuesCoronationCosmopolitanCoup de SoleilCrash CourseCrashing WhitecapsCrimson TigerCrooked Little SmileCrowned HeadsCruise to Autumn